Monday, August 20, 2012

Leopold School

Leopold Elementary School Playground
2602 Post Road
Madison, WI 53713
August 14, 2012

When we first got to Leopold School, we saw a pretty nice playground.

There were balance beams,

plenty of things to climb on,


and even a really cool sand box!

THEN we found probably our favorite playground of the summer!

Leopold is a big school, so it actually has three different playground areas. The best part combined some of our favorite features from various playgrounds all summer.

This section looks a lot like our first playground of the summer, Meister Park, with it's really unique climbing rings and webs. But it's much bigger, with a lot more equipment!

There was a roller slide, which was one of Nadia's favorite things from all of the playgrounds we'd visited so far. (Previously only seen at Quarry Hill Park.)

There was a little music area,
a teeter-totter (Nadia LOVED this!),

and the playground is HUGE. Tons of equipment to run, slide, spin, and climb on.


 This playground is a winner--we definitely recommend it!

(Note: The hat is from MSCR's Art Cart. Nadia made her own antlers!!)

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