Monday, August 20, 2012

Leopold School

Leopold Elementary School Playground
2602 Post Road
Madison, WI 53713
August 14, 2012

When we first got to Leopold School, we saw a pretty nice playground.

There were balance beams,

plenty of things to climb on,


and even a really cool sand box!

THEN we found probably our favorite playground of the summer!

Leopold is a big school, so it actually has three different playground areas. The best part combined some of our favorite features from various playgrounds all summer.

This section looks a lot like our first playground of the summer, Meister Park, with it's really unique climbing rings and webs. But it's much bigger, with a lot more equipment!

There was a roller slide, which was one of Nadia's favorite things from all of the playgrounds we'd visited so far. (Previously only seen at Quarry Hill Park.)

There was a little music area,
a teeter-totter (Nadia LOVED this!),

and the playground is HUGE. Tons of equipment to run, slide, spin, and climb on.


 This playground is a winner--we definitely recommend it!

(Note: The hat is from MSCR's Art Cart. Nadia made her own antlers!!)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Veteran's Park

Veteran's Park
Lincoln St., Verona
August 7, 2012

We typically refer to Veteran's Park as "Nadia's Birthday Park," because it is where she had her third birthday party. There is a park shelter here--great for picnics. This is also a really good playground for kids who like to run and climb. (All kids?)

Nadia was really proud to have climbed to the top of this mountain by herself! Coming down was a little more challenging.

There are a number of slides for going down,

And even one that is designed for climbing up!

 The tunnel is great for hiding

This thing, which I have not seen at other playgrounds, spins. Careful--it goes REALLY fast. (Nadia did not like it a couple of years ago. Now, she approaches with caution, but laughs the whole time!)

Overall, this is among the most unique playgrounds we've visited this summer. It has more different ways of climbing up a structure (safely) than any of the playgrounds we've played at so far. It also has swings, but unlike many playgrounds, Nadia was having so much fun that she didn't even seem to notice them.

(Note: down the hill from this playground, easily within walking distance, is a different playground. We haven't had a chance to blog about it--yet--but it's nice that there are two so close to each other when you need some variety.)

Elver Park

Elver Park
1250 McKenna Blvd
August 6, 2012

One of the things that Nadia and I have noticed this summer is that we've had the majority of the playgrounds we're visiting to ourselves. Sometimes that's nice, but sometimes you just want to play with other kids! We thought maybe we'd find some kids to play with at Elver Park, and we were right!

Elver Park features swings and a tire swing, and springy rides--a motorcycle for two on one side, and a horse on the other. 

The main play set has multiple slides, monkey bars, a bridge, and fun equipment for climbing. 

Below is a "store" for pretending, and this small tunnel which makes it look like you're climbing through a lion's mouth!!

Lucy Lincoln Heistand Park

Lucy Lincoln Heistand Park
1653 Frisch Road
August 5, 2012


I learned about this playground from Nadia's friends Ben and Dan. This was the first chance that I had to take Nadia to check it out.

The playground itself is pretty small, and sometimes big kids like to hang out there which can make it intimidating for the littler ones. But we went pretty early in the morning and had the place to ourselves!

By far, the biggest highlight of this playground is the fire truck!

The main play structure at features a giant twisty slide, plus a smaller slide, a bridge, monkey bars, and multiple ways to climb up.

There's also plenty of grassy space if you happen to bring your tee and bat along,

and a nice, smooth path for riding your scooter!

Cross Country Park

Cross Country Park
Corner of Basswood and Aspen in Verona
August 4, 2012

Cross Country Park has long been a favorite of ours in Verona. (It's one of several within walking distance of my house.) We commonly refer to it as "The Green Park."

One of the fun aspects of this park is that if you enter from the Basswood side, you have to cross this bridge. Watch out for the troll that hangs out underneath it!

When we visited most recently, it was too wet to go on the slides, but the triple slide is one of Nadia's favorite parts of this playground. You can have races with friends (or Aunties).

Nadia's favorite part of this playground has always been the octagon steps. They are great for pretending--for Nadia they are commonly lily pads for a frog or a path for a princess!

The playground also has a digger

and a little merry-go-round.

There's plenty of equipment for climbing (Nadia was a little nervous about this part), multiple sets of monkey bars, and a swing set as well.