Monday, July 23, 2012

"Dinosaur Park"

Between me teaching summer school and the crazy heat, it's been several weeks since Nadia and I have been to a playground! We remedied that on Friday.

After a trip to Ward Brodt, we decided to head to the Henry Vilas Zoo. We weren't the only ones to have that idea, so we had to drive around for awhile to find a parking spot. And serendipitously, we ended up parking right next to a playground that I had never seen before. At 632 Wingra St. is a tiny little park where most of the playground equipment is in the form of dinosaurs!!!

Nadia liked climbing in the first stegosaurus, sliding down the second, and riding on the tiny T-Rex.              


And of course, all the best parks have swings.

This playground may be too small for kids older than six or seven, but Nadia loved it!

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