Monday, July 30, 2012

High Point Park

High Point Park
7499 Watts Road (Madison)
July 27, 2012

High Point Park is really fun, but the playground is in the middle of the park. Be prepared to park a short distance away and then walk for a bit. (We parked on Kottke Drive). The path to the playground is very nice, though. Nadia and I raced it.

The park has great slides and swings, and a tunnel to crawl through. Nadia liked the steering wheel. you can be a park ranger, go on a date with a Prince, or drive a pirate ship!

There are a couple of bouncy-rides. Nadia's favorite was the flower, but the motorcycle with sidecar was a close second.

The "General Store" was a big hit, too!

Flagstone Park

Flagstone Park
8325 Flagstone Dr. (Madison)
July 26, 2012

Nadia liked everything at this park. The tower-like structure above the slide inspired us to re-enact scenes from Rapunzel.

The cave underneath the slide had some cool drawings.

Her favorite part was the "music section." You push down the metal keys to play each note. Four songs are displayed down there, with musical notation and letter names. Nadia was able to play the first part of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star all by herself!

Nadia wasn't really into this climbing wall--I thought it looked pretty cool, though!

This is a great park for climbing, swinging, and running!

Oh, and spinning:

Littleland Community Playground

Littleland Community Playground (with Grandma Jaci!)
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Crivitz, WI

Grandma Jaci writes:
"Littleland Community Playground is located in 
Crivitiz (a small community in northeast Wisconsin north of Green Bay on Hwy
141).  It is in the center of town near Veterans Park.  The playground is a
wood structure similar to Dream Park in Monona, Wisconsin.  It has lots of
tunnels and bridges and rope structures to climb on.  It has an area for
children ages 2-4.

Nadia's Favorite Things:  Nadia's favorite part was the "balance ropes" that
she could walk across.  She also enjoyed the bridges (the jumping bridge and
the curved wood bridge), the rings, the tire swing and the child swing.

Nadia's Least Favorite Thing:  Nadia did not like the "spider web" rope
structure.  She said it was "creepy".  She wanted Grandma Jaci to go first
and hold her hand when it started swinging side to side.

Would she recommend this park to her friends:  Yes!!"

Let it be noted that Auntie Therese now wants to take a road trip to Crivitz. :)

Thanks again, Grandma Jaci, for sending this info!!

Terrace Park

Terrace Park (with Grandma Jaci!)
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thanks to Nadia's Grandma Jaci for sending some information on playgrounds she and Nadia have visited this summer!

Terrace Park is located in DeForest, off of Winding Way Road.

Grandma Jaci writes: 
"Terrace Park is a nice, quiet park tucked into a residential neighborhood off Winding Way in DeForest. It has a small park shelter with a bench swing that is hung from the rafters on one side. It has toddler and child swings, a sandbox with a digger, dinosaur and motorcycle rides on big springs and a climbing structure with slides. 

Nadia's favorite thing at this park was the bench swing ("like the one on the porch at grandma and grandpa's cabin"). She also really enjoyed the digger in the sand and the dinosaur and motorcycle rides.

Nadia's Leas Favorite Thing: Nothing!

Would she recommend this park to her friends: Yes!!"


Monday, July 23, 2012

"Dinosaur Park"

Between me teaching summer school and the crazy heat, it's been several weeks since Nadia and I have been to a playground! We remedied that on Friday.

After a trip to Ward Brodt, we decided to head to the Henry Vilas Zoo. We weren't the only ones to have that idea, so we had to drive around for awhile to find a parking spot. And serendipitously, we ended up parking right next to a playground that I had never seen before. At 632 Wingra St. is a tiny little park where most of the playground equipment is in the form of dinosaurs!!!

Nadia liked climbing in the first stegosaurus, sliding down the second, and riding on the tiny T-Rex.              


And of course, all the best parks have swings.

This playground may be too small for kids older than six or seven, but Nadia loved it!