Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Behnke Park

Behnke Park is in between Mahogany and Basswood Streets in Verona. You walk up a path from either street to get to the park. Because it's not right on the street, it's very quiet and kind of secluded.

The park has two different areas, that are separate from each other but very close. (You could easily supervise more than one child even if they were playing in different areas of this playground.) One section has the yellow slides and bridge,  and the other has swings, a merry-go-round, and a climbing wall.

Things Nadia liked:

  • The big, yellow twisty slide

  • The balance beam

  • The merry-go-round

  • The climbing wall. (She especially liked that it had a ladder in the middle for kids who don't want to put their hands and feet in the holes.)

And her favorite part ("I'm going to add this on my crazy list," she says.) was:

No complaints here! This is a nice little park.

Goodman Community Center

While waiting for Isla's dance class to finish at the Goodman Community Center (149 Waubesa St.) on Tuesday,  Nadia and I played out on their playground.

Things Nadia liked:

  • It had a really good sandbox
  • Lots of things to climb and spin on
  • The binoculars

Things Nadia didn't like:
  • There was a tire swing, but no other swings

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Quarry Hill Park

Quarry Hill Park in Fitchburg. (2652 Mica Road)

Things Nadia Liked:

  • The slide with the rollers. This was her favorite part of this playground. (But be careful not to pinch your fingers in the rollers!)

  • The merry-go round
  • The tire swing
  • There's a path that she could ride her scooter on. 

We're three for our last three on no negatives from Nadia. We're on a roll! 

This is a beautiful, very clean playground. Auntie Therese's favorite so far.

(Note: The expert has temporarily tired of being interviewed on camera about each playground. We are going to take a break on that feature of the blog.)

Middleton Splash Pad Playground

We had a few minutes to kill in Middleton yesterday, so we stopped by the Splash Pad (6300 Mendota Ave.)

The Splash Pad is always a summer favorite, but there's a brand new playground there this year! So even on non-swimming days I think we'll be making some appearances.

We weren't there for long, but we'll definitely be back.

Things Nadia Liked:
  • The bright colors
  • The tunnels and slides
  • The Spider Web

We're two for two on playgrounds where Nadia didn't have a single thing she didn't like. We'll definitely come back here a few times this summer!


The playground we found today was at the corner of Balsam and Leland, off of Raymond Road. It was a playground I remembered seeing a few months ago, but I couldn't remember exactly where it was. After driving around for a bit, we finally found it. As we pulled up, Nadia exclaimed, "Auntie Therese!"
"What?" I asked.
"YOU are a genius."

Nadia's favorite thing about this playground was the swings, which reminded her of roller coaster seats. (They also have traditional swings.)

There were also a lot of "spinny" and "climby" things to choose from at this playground, and a four person teeter-totter.

No complaints from Nadia--she liked EVERYTHING at this park!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kay Park

Today's adventure was Kay Park, which is behind Quik Trip in Verona.

Things Nadia Liked:

  • The bumpy slide

  • The yellow play structure with the tunnel (she pretended it was her ship)

  • The swings
  • The twisty thing 

  • The big blue climb-y thing

Things Nadia Didn't Like:
  • The red spinny thing made her dizzy
  • There was a lot of writing in the tunnel.

(Auntie Therese's Note: There is a LOT of inappropriate graffiti at this park. Probably not the best place for little kids who can read...)

The Expert Says:

Friday, June 1, 2012

Meister Park

Summer break hasn't officially started yet, but we had some time tonight and decided to visit our first playground.

Today we went to Meister Park, which is across from Epic in Verona.

Things Nadia liked:
  • The rings to climb through
  • The slides
  • Climby things
  • Spider Web


Things Nadia didn't like:
  • The slide that was made of only metal poles, because it was too scary

The Expert Says:

(This park is pretty unique.)

Our Idea

Nadia and I had an idea for this summer. We thought it would be really fun to see how many different playgrounds we can visit.

Nadia says, "I love the parks, especially when I go to even funner parks than the ones by my house. I'm excited for this adventure, because I'm going to have fun."

Follow this blog to see what playgrounds we hit this summer, and what Nadia thinks of them.